The Easy Guide to Content Planning

content should be at the heart of your marketing strategy
Are you ready to start regularly creating content that will attract your perfect customers?
Does this sound like you?
You know you should be creating content, but can’t find the time or the motivation to actually create it.
You find it difficult to know what to create.
You feel a bit like the content that you are creating isn’t having any impact in your business?
The mental load of figuring out what content to create can be exhausting and often means that you just don’t create your content.
It’s amazing how much easier life is when you plan it … because planning creates the space to do the things that you might put off otherwise.
Here are 4 mistakes that I see so many marketers and business owners making when planning their content…
The mental load of figuring out what content to create can be exhausting and often means that you just don’t create your content.
It’s amazing how much easier life is when you plan it … because planning creates the space to do the things that you might put off otherwise.
Here are 4 mistakes that I see so many marketers and business owners making when planning their content…
Too much content
They think they have to create loads of content to market their business effectively.
They don’t think about the customer enough
They focus on creating the content that they want to create rather than thinking about how the content that content is serving their customers.
It gets forgotten about once it’s created
Once it’s created, they kinda forget about it and don’t maximise what they can do with it.
They aren’t strategic about content
They are not thinking strategically about how to use their content to attract new customers and build loyalty (and keep them coming back for more!).
planning content can be hard!
I’m going to be honest with you here… Planning doesn’t come easily to me. I like to be organised, but I find planning really difficult.
So that’s why I have had to create a framework that makes it super easy for me to decide which content I’m going to be creating in my business.
Now I want to share that framework with you, so you can stop procrastinating on the content that you know you should be creating!
planning content can be hard!
I’m going to be honest with you here… Planning doesn’t come easily to me. I like to be organised, but I find planning really difficult.
So that’s why I have had to create a framework that makes it super easy for me to decide which content I’m going to be creating in my business.
Now I want to share that framework with you, so you can stop procrastinating on the content that you know you should be creating!
What difference would it make if you knew exactly what the right piece of content was that you needed to create to support your business goals?
know you that the content you are creating is actually going to make a difference to your bottom line.
know you that the content you are creating is actually going to make a difference to your bottom line.
have loads of ideas that you can use and tap into any time you want.
have loads of ideas that you can use and tap into any time you want.
avoid wasting time creating content that doesn’t land with your customers or prospects.
avoid wasting time creating content that doesn’t land with your customers or prospects.
never have to worry about what you are going to write, record, post again!
never have to worry about what you are going to write, record, post again!
What’s different about this content planning masterclass?
A strong focus on saving you time
I know that time is a big issue for you – so I will show you short cuts to help you generate loads of ideas, quickly and easily
Content that makes a difference
I will show you how to plan content that is going to really make a difference to your business, not just how to plan content for content’s sake
Fresh ideas
It will help you get out of your content rut so that you are able to bring more creativity to your content
The Easy Guide to Content Planning
Learn the skills, strategies & tools to easily create content week after week, month after month.
Today’s Price: $97.00
Your guarantee
If you feel like you haven’t learned anything new in this training then just send me an email within 7 days of purchase and I’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked.
Discover the skills, strategies & tools you need to easily create content week after week, month after month
Discover how to make the most out of the content that you create
Get super clear on why you are creating content and how it impacts your business
What types of content you can create and choosing the ones that are right for you
What makes great content for you and your ideal customer
How to generate a ton of ideas in 45 minutes
Putting together your content schedule
How to get the most out of each piece of content you create
Creating your 3 month content plan
and just in case that isn’t enough…
here are a few bonuses
Content planning spreadsheet
Content promotion ideas
Content Ideas sheet
68 Different types of content PDF
Support via the So Marketing Club
The Content Planning Masterclass
By the end of this masterclass, you’ll be able to create a content plan that will take you forward for the next 3 months so you never have to worry about what to write again!
What you’ll learn
- How to make the most out of the content that you create
- Getting super clear on why you are creating content and how it is going to impact your business
- What types of content you can create and choosing the ones that are right for you
- What makes great content for you and your ideal customer
- How to generate a ton of ideas in 45 minutes
- Putting together your content schedule
- How to get the most out of each piece of content you create
- Moving from planning into action
- Creating your 3 month content plan
and just in case that isn’t enough…
here are a few bonuses
Content planning spreadsheet
Content promotion ideas
68 different types of content pdf
Content Ideas Sheet
Support via the So Marketing Club
A bit of customer love
I am super excited about this and I’m very grateful for the help you are offering, I know I need some accountability when it comes to content planning, so this is gonna be perfect for me!
Jammed packed with loads of useful practical information! Great to walk away with a structure that works.
This is great! I’m so excited
I really NEED THIS! You always give so much value Julie, thank you!
Hey there! I’m Julie Hall
I am a tech geek, trainer and business & marketing mentor and help creatives, designers and digital product creators how to design, create and sell low and medium content books on Amazon KDP via the KDP Creators Club.
I have been in this game for a long time. I have run a web design agency, built a community of 20,000 female business owners and taught digital marketing for Google... and I'd love to bring that experience to support you in your business.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will I have access to the content
You will have lifetime access to the Masterclass and tools that I share with you.
I don’t currently create any content for my business, is this masterclass still right for me?
Yes! Content is one of the most powerful ways to attract new people to you and your brand. It is definitely something that you are going to want to be doing regularly.
I create content for other people, is this course right for me?
If you feel like your content isn’t quite working for whatever reason, this masterclass will give you ideas, inspiration and focus that will help you significantly improve the value that your clients are getting out of the content that you are creating.
How does it work?
Other Questions?
Email me on and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Your guarantee
If you feel like you haven’t learned anything new in this training then just send me an email within 7 days of purchase and I’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked.
are you ready?
the Easy Guide to Content Planning
Learn the skills, strategies & tools to easily create content week after week, month after month.
Today’s Price: $97.00
I just got off a live online training by Julie Hall and I’m infused with knowledge, inspiration and so many ideas! If you have taken at of her trainings, do so; she’s a brilliant teacher! Thanks for overdelivering Julie!