If you’re looking to create and sell low content books on Amazon, then I’m your girl
I help creative people like you, turn your ideas into income by creating journals, planners and notebooks that you can upload and sell on Amazon.
If you are like me, you will have been looking for a creative outlet. I’ve always felt a strong desire to lean into my creativity and as a business owner of 20 years, I kind of also want it to make me money 😊.
When I first started working for myself this looked like building websites as a side hustle which then turned into a full time gig. Most recently when I was working as a digital marketing trainer that wanted a passive income stream, started exploring creating digital
When I first encountered Amazon KDP, even as a techie and someone who wasn’t completely new to design, I found it overwhelming and challenging. And it seems like everyone in the KDP world is so secretive! No-one wants to give away the magic sauce.
So I created the KDP Creators Club to give you real insights, learnings and experiences to help you create the books that you want to create. To find and express your creativity and feel the pride of having a physical product that you have created and hold it in your hand. Honestly, there is nothing quite like it 😊.
Hey there, I’m Julie
I’ve had a varied business history starting with my first business as a headhunter in January 2000, then becoming digital marketing expert and trainer before discovering the world of Amazon KDP in June 2021.
After playing around with creating and publishing a few books, I discovered just how addictive it can be and at the end of 2023 decided to go all in on designing and publishing books on Amazon.
As it’s in my nature to teach others (after having been a digital marketing trainer for 15 years) as soon as I started learning about KDP I immediately wanted to share everything I was learning with my community, so created an online course about it which has now morphed into the KDP Creators Club so I could help others to experience the same success.
But let 2021 me tell you about my KDP Journey…
Since recording this video I have created about 80 more books and made thousands of £££ and I now focus on KDP full time as my business. I am super excited to see where this will take me and would love to show you how you can do the same.
Here are some of the ways I can help you
KDP Creators Club
The KDP Creators Club includes the KDP Magic Course and is your place to learn all the ins and outs of self publising low and medium content books on KDP.
Discover how to create your own Gratitude Journal, branded notebooks for your business, Trackers, Activity books & Planners and more.
My Books
I have created loads of books that I sell on Amazon. If you’d like to check them out, you can see a few of my
Some random things about me…
I’m British and Canadian and have an odd accent which is pretty much 50/50 of both. The weird thing is that I only lived in Canada for 11 years, but the accent has proven to be very sticky.
I am married with two amazing kids (16 and 19 at the time that I write this) that I love hanging out with – though I suspect I love it more than they do 😂. This photo is of the three of us in Puss in Boots.
We moved a lot when I was a child and when I was 8 we lived in Poland for 3 years and for part of that time, a spy lived in our house – yep weird, I know… we didn’t find out that she was a spy until after she left.
Now I have established long lasting roots in a gorgeous little village in Surrey near London and absolutely love it.
There is nothing that I love more than walking through the woods and I think that the British countryside is one of the best places in the world to be.
My happy place is staying in a cottage in Haliburton, Canada. Cottage Country in Ontario is beyond magical.
I was stung by a scorpion in the Costa Rican rainforest… thankfully I lived to tell the tale.
I have 2 gorgeous cats called Marmite and Marmalade that I adore… you can expect to see a few cat photos here and there and often a surprise appearance when I’m training
In 2016 my kids persuaded me to join our local amateur dramatics club with them for their annual panto. After my first role where I played the Dame role and I was absolutely hooked… and now I do the panto every year (oh yes I do …).